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Stone & Brick Repair

Stone and brick surfaces require upkeep and maintenance to keep them looking great over the years. At A&M Home Services, we can provide you with repair work for the following:

Re-Laying Stones And Bricks

This involves removing damaged masonry surfaces and installing new ones that will match with the surrounding materials. This kind of work is often performed on: driveways, sidewalks or paths, patios, porches, pool decks, siding, chimneys, garden paths, and so on.

Capping Stone Features

This is a technique often used on the top of masonry walls to prevent damages further on down the road. They can help with minimizing maintenance while actually extending the life of the wall itself. This is often used on retaining walls and other types of standing decorative surfaces.

Call us today to learn more about our repair services for brick and stone features, or to make an appointment for a free estimate.

What Our Customers Say About Us

Replacing Skylights and Roof Shingles in South Bend, IN

Jesse and his staff are very friendly and the work is to be completed soon. Th project involved replacing 2 failed skylights, and the shingles around them. ( Skylights had to be ordered first.) He… Read more “Replacing Skylights and Roof Shingles in South Bend, IN”

Homeowner - South Bend, IN 46614

Roofing in South Bend, IN

Great Group of guys! They work hard to make sure they are using the very best… Read more “Roofing in South Bend, IN”

Luke S. - South Bend, IN 46614


GAF Factory Certified MasterElite Weather Stopper Roofing Contractor
GAF Triple Excellence Award

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